Mathematica Notebook On Matrix Elements of Coulomb Interaction between Electrons

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                                Prepared by   L. Kocbach
                                  based on work of 
      James M. Feagin, Ladislav  Kocbach, Richard Liska  and  Alonso Nunez
                          Package for Clebsch Gordans
                          6-j package
                          Evaluation  of Matrix elements between hydrogenic orbitals
                          Examples  :Helium and helium like ions
                                            Matrix Element of  Particle-Electron Interaction 
                                            as function of  Particle  distance
  Functions Defined  
  Clebsch[ {A , a }, {B , b }, {C , c } ]   Clebsch-Gordan Coefficients
  Threej[ {A ,a },{B ,b },{C ,c } ]         Three-J  Coefficients
  Sixj[{A ,B , C },{a ,b ,c }]              Six-J  Coefficients
  Redmat[A ,K ,B ]                   Reduced M.E. of 3 Spherical Harmonics
  RadHyd[n  ,  l  ,  r  , Z   ]   Radial Functions of Hydrogen-like ion with Z   
  MatEl[ Z , n1  ,  l1  , n2  ,  l2  , LL  , rr   ] 
                  Matrix Element (Radial part) of a particle - electron interaction
  DoubMatEl[Z ,n1 ,l1 ,n2 ,l2 ,n3 ,l3 ,n4 ,l4 ,L ] Redu
                  Matrix Element (Radial part) of  electron - electron  repulsion 
  Corremat[Z ,na ,la ,nb ,lb ,nc ,lc ,nd ,ld ,L ] Redu
                  Matrix Element (Total)  of a electron - electron  repulsion
  Example 1 
  Helium and helium like ions, using variational method
  Ekin[zvar ,n ]:=1/2 zvar^2/n^2  ; Epot[Zatom,zvar,n ]:=-zvar Zatom/n^2
  Etot[Zatom ,zvar  ,n  ] -> 2 Ekin[zvar ,n ] + 2 Epot[Zatom,zvar ,n ] +         
           Corremat[zvar, n, 0, n, 0,n, 0,n, 0,0]
  Solve[D[Etot[Znuc,z,1],z] == 0, z]     Finds the effective Z by variational method
  Example 2:
  Matrix Element of Projectile-electron Interaction 
  as function of  Particle-Nucleus  distance
  Plot[fff,{x,0,20}]                         *)

  (*   This is a Package of Clebsch Gordans : Origin James M. Feagin *)
  (**** Uses Racah s formula to compute Clebsch-Gordan coefficient 
        and its related 3j symbol. Definitions of CG coefficient and 
        3j symbol are as in 
  	  BRINK & SATCHLER, ÒAngular Momentum,Ó 2nd ed., p.34, eq. 2.34,
  		and App. I, p.136.   
  (**** Entered 1/26/91 constraints:
  		C < Abs[A-B] || C > A+B.
  		Abs[a] > A || Abs[b] > B || Abs[c] > C.  
  Clebsch::usage =
  	"Clebsch[{A,a},{B,b},{C,c}] gives the Clebsch-Gordan coefficient 
  	for the addition of angular momenta C = A + B using RacahÕs formula 
  	(see Brink&Satchler, ÒAngular Momentum,Ó 2nd ed.(Oxford), p.34)."
  Threej::usage =	
  	"Threej[{A,a},{B,b},{C,c}] gives the 3-j symbol for 
  	combining angular momenta, which is proportional to the CG coefficient."
  (* see Brink&Satchler, p.140 *)
  Clebsch[{A_,a_},{A_,b_},{0,0}] := (-1)^(A-a)/Sqrt[2A+1] /; b == -a 
  Clebsch[{A_,a_},{B_,b_},{0,0}] := 0 
  f1[C_,A_,B_,a_,b_] := 
  	Sum[ (-1)^k (k! (A+B-C-k)! (A-a-k)! (B+b-k)! (C-B+a+k)! 
  		{ k, Max[0,B-C-a,A-C+b], Min[A+B-C,A-a,B+b] } ]  
  		(* These Max and Min prevent the arguments of 
  	      Factorial (!) from becoming negative when the sum over k is 
  	      performed. *)
  f2[C_,A_,B_] := (-C+A+B)! (C-A+B)! (C+A-B)! /(1+C+A+B)!
  f3[C_,A_,B_,c_,a_,b_] := (1+2C) (C-c)! (C+c)! (A-a)! (A+a)! (B-b)! (B+b)!
  (* see Brink&Satchler, p.34, eq. 2.34 *)
  Clebsch[ {A_, a_}, {B_, b_}, {C_, c_} ] :=
  		If[ c!=a+b || C < Abs[A-B] || C > A+B || 
  			Abs[a] > A || Abs[b] > B || Abs[c] > C, 0 , 
  			Block[ {}, f1[C,A,B,a,b] Sqrt[ f2[C,A,B] 
  			f3[C,A,B,c,a,b] ]
  (* see Brink&Satchler, App. I, p.136 *)
  Threej[ {A_,a_},{B_,b_},{C_,c_} ] :=
  	(-1)^(B-A+c)/Sqrt[2C+1] Clebsch[{A,a},{B,b},{C,-c}]
  End[ ]

  (*This is a modification of the matrix elements evaluation to include  Z- dependence     :  
   Origin    L. Kocbach and  R. Liska;  Modified by Alonso Nunez *)
  Rad[n_ ,  l_ ,  r_ , Z_  ]:=
  LaguerreL[n-l -1 , 2 l+1,2 Z r/n] Exp[- Z r/ n] ( Z r )^l
  RadHyd[n_ ,  l_ ,  r_ , Z_  ] :=  
      Rad[n ,  l  ,  r  , Z ] / Sqrt[Norm2 [ n , l , Z    ] ]
  MatEl[ Z_, n1_ ,  l1_ , n2_ ,  l2_ , LL_ , rr_  ] :=
   { fun1, fun2, v, res1, res2, int1, int2 , res},
    fun1=(RadHyd[n1,l1, v , Z]/. E->enat);
     fun2=(RadHyd[n2,l2, v, Z ]/. E->enat); 
     res2=Integrate[Expand[v^2 fun1 fun2 / v^(LL+1)],v];
     res1=Integrate[Expand[v^2 v^LL   fun1  fun2],v];
     int1=( res1/. v->rr) ;
      int1=  int1   -  ( res1/.v->0);
     int2=  -  res2/. v->rr  ;
     res = (   (  int1/rr^(LL+1)  +  rr^(LL)  int2   )/. Log[enat]->1);  
     res/. enat->E 
  Norm2[n1_ ,  l1_ , Z_   ] := 
   { fun,  v, res,  int },
   fun=(Rad[n1,l1, v, Z]/. E->enat);
     res=Integrate[Expand[v^2 fun fun],v];
     int =  -  res/. v->0  ;
     res =  int /. Log[enat]->1 ;  
     res/. enat->E  ]

  DoubMatEl[Z_,n1_,l1_,n2_,l2_,n3_,l3_,n4_,l4_,L_] :=
    {fun1,fun2,  v, res,  int },
    fun1=(RadHyd[n1,l1, v ,Z]/. E->enat);
     fun2=(RadHyd[n4,l4, v ,Z]/. E->enat);
     fun3=(MatEl[Z,n2,l2,n3,l3,L,v]/. E->enat); 
     res=Integrate[Simplify[Expand[v^2 fun1 fun2 fun3 ]],v];
     int =  -  res/. v->0  ;
     res =  int /. Log[enat]->1 ;  
     res/. enat->E 

  (* Example *)  DoubMatEl[1,1,0,1,0,1,0,2,0,0]


  First version of 6-j package :Using Cowan, page 147   
  Origin:  Alonso Nunez 
  (* Special value for one J zero *)
  Clebshing1[C_,A_,B_,a_,b_,0] := (-1)^(A+B+C)/Sqrt[(2A+1)(2B+1)]

  (* Used in general expression *)
  ClebDelta2[C_,A_,B_] := (-C+A+B)! (C-A+B)! (C+A-B)! /(1+C+A+B)!
  (* Used in general expression, Big Sum *)
  ClebSum3[C_,A_,B_,c_,a_,b_] := 
  Sum[ (-1)^k (k+1)! ((A+B+a+b-k)! (B+C+b+c-k)! (C+A+c+a-k)! 
  (k-A-B-C)! (k-A-b-c)! (k-a-B-c)! (k-a-b-C)!)^-1, 
  		{ k, Max[0,A+B+C,A+b+c,a+B+c,a+b+C], 
  		Min[A+B+b+a,A+B+b+c,C+A+c+a] } ]

  Sixj[{A_,B_, C_},{a_,b_,c_}] := 
  If[ C < Abs[A-B] || C > A+B , 0  (* if not satisfied *),
  	Block[  (* if satisfied *)
  		If [ c==0, Clebshing1[C,A,B,a,b,0] , 
  			 Sqrt[ ClebDelta2[C,A,B]ClebDelta2[c,b,A]
  			       ClebDelta2[c,a,B]  ClebDelta2[C,a,b]] 
               ClebSum3[C,A,B,c,a,b] ]
         	] (* end block *)
    ] (* end if *)

  Redmat[A_,K_,B_] := 
  (-1)^A Sqrt[(2A+1)(2B+1)] Threej[{A,0},{K,0},{B,0}]
  Smrk[la_,lb_,lc_,ld_,L_,K_] :=
   (-1)^(lc+lb+L) Sixj[{la,lb,L},{ld,lc,K}] Redmat[la,K,lc]  Redmat[lb,K,ld]
  Corremat[Z_,na_,la_,nb_,lb_,nc_,lc_,nd_,ld_,L_] :=
             Sum[ Smrk[la,lb,lc,ld,L,K]
           ,{K, Max[0,Abs[la-lc],Abs[lb-ld]],
                Min[la+lc,lb+ld] } ]

  (* Example *)

  (*        z      n1 l1    n2 l2     n3 l3    n4 l4    L   *) (* Output Form *)

  Corremat[ 2,     1,0,      1,0,      1,0,     1,0,     0] 

  Corremat[ 2,     2,0,      1,0,       2,0,    1,0,     0] 

  (*  Example: 
  Helium and helium like ions, using variational method *)
  Ekin[zvar_ ,n_ ] := 1/2 zvar^2/n^2
  Epot[Zatom_,zvar_ ,n_ ]:= - zvar Zatom/n^2
  Etot[Zatom_,zvar_ ,n_ ]:= 
  2 Ekin[zvar ,n ] + 2 Epot[Zatom,zvar ,n ] +
  Corremat[zvar, n, 0, n, 0,n, 0,n, 0,0]



  Plot[TRIAL, {z, 1, 2.5}]


  Solve[D[Etot[6,z,1],z] == 0, z]

  Zat=1; {Zat, Solve[D[Etot[Zat,z,1],z] == 0, z]//N }
  Zat=2; {Zat, Solve[D[Etot[Zat,z,1],z] == 0, z]//N }
  Zat=3; {Zat, Solve[D[Etot[Zat,z,1],z] == 0, z]//N }
  Zat=4; {Zat, Solve[D[Etot[Zat,z,1],z] == 0, z]//N }
  Zat=6; {Zat, Solve[D[Etot[Zat,z,1],z] == 0, z]//N }

  Solve[D[Etot[anyZ,z,1],z] == 0, z]

  First[Normal[Solve[D[Etot[anyZ,z,1],z] == 0, z]  ]]

  (* Example 2:
  Matrix Element of Interaction as function of
  Internuclear distance  *) 
