General Description of the Atomic Movies

The program showing animated graphics has been designed and developed in Bergen in 1989-1993 (L. Kocbach). It can in fact be used for any sequence of black and white pictures. Technically it is similar to the simplest Apple Macintosh Graphics. Production of quantal probability densities and probability density current is quite a complicated task. The whole system consists of several programs. The movies shown here are produced mostly by Mette Machholm (nee Andersen) during her thesis work, see also
C. Courbin and M. Machholm J.Phys.B:(1994)
Bergen pictures are produced using the graphics code on data produced by a program written by J. P. Hansen and L. Kocbach

Link to the movies introduction :
Slides from the introduction to the PC-version

The time-dependent Schr. equation, as in Task 3. But here the program shows probability densities and probability density currents.

Instructions Task 5
