Computing a set of good specialization parameter conditions.
Let J be a homogeneous ideal in
its Gröbner
basis with respect to a block
-degree-compatible ordering
Every polynomial gj has the structure
the restriction of
For a list of s nonnegative integers
the specialization condition defined by L is given by
By using corollary 1, it is clear that, for any
specialization verifying the conditions indicated by L, if the Hilbert
Function of the monomial ideal generated by
agrees with the Hilbert Function of
the monomial ideal generated by
then the specialization of G is a
Gröbner Basis of the specialization of J (with respect to
This consequence of corollary 1 provides a nice way of
computing a set of conditions which are good for specializing
the Gröbner Basis of J already computed in
i.e. those whose Hilbert function computed
with the leading terms already present agrees with the ``generic" Hilbert
function. In order to avoid the consideration of all the possible cases
the following lemma and its remarks show how to know in
advance that such a condition list is bad once one such list has been
previously classified as bad.
Lemma 1

be the ordering introduced in the set of conditions lists for
G defined by
L is a condition list for
G bad for specialization then every
condition list
L' for
G with
L' is also bad for specialization
First, it is clear that the list
provides a good
specialization condition. Next, it is analyzed the case of the vanishing
of some
-coefficients into only one gj polynomial: for
the biggest (for
conditions lists for
G with only one non zero element which are good for specialization. Once
these lists have been determined, we know, by the previous lemma that we
do not need to consider any conditions list for G strictly bigger than
one of such lists. Proceeding in a similar way with the case of only two,
three, etc non-zero elements and with conditions lists not strictly
bigger than those already located in the previous step, we exhaust all the
Graphically this means that, for this Gröbner Basis,
if we consider the set
of all lists
(the different specialization conditions), we are looking for
the maximal elements of the subset:
with respect to the order relation
defined in Lemma
1. If
are these maximal elements of
we have obtained that if, for some i,
then the
verification of the conditions
(2) |
implies that the specialization of the considered Gröbner Basis G gives a
Gröbner Basis of the specialized ideal.
In conclusion, every maximal element
provides a set of
conditions with each one
having the structure showed in 2. This procedure, as it has
been explained taking only into account the set
can be
easily optimized if we take also into account the structure of the polynomials
's: for example, if it is known that the
is a non zero constant then we can
discard directly from the set
those lists whose j-th element is
bigger than i.
IMACS ACA'98 Electronic Proceedings