School of Engineering of New York University
EL5823/BE6203 ---- Medical Imaging I
Offered as Medical Imaging Systems at NYU School of Medicine
Course Webpage: http://eeweb.poly.edu/~yao/EL5823
Course Description: This course
introduces the physics, instrumentation, and signal
processing methods used in X-ray (projection radiography), X-ray
computed tomography, nuclear medicine (SPECT/PET), optical imaging, ultrasound
imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging. Co-listed as EL5823 and BE6203. 3
Prerequisites: Prerequisites:
Undergraduate level courses in multivariable calculus (MA 2112, MA 2122),
physics (PH 2033), probability (MA 3012), signals and systems (EE 3054).
Students who do not have prior courses in signals and systems must take
EL6113/BE6403 SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND TRANSFORMS as a prerequisite; EL5123/BE6223
IMAGE PROCESSING is also recommended but not required.
· Prof. Yao Wang (NYU-Poly), MTC2
9.107, (718)-260-3469, yw523 at nyu.edu, http://eeweb.poly.edu/~yao
· Prof. Daniel Turnbull (NYU School of
Medicine), 212-263-7262,
daniel.turnbull at nyumc.org, http://www.med.nyu.edu/biosketch/turnbd01/
Riccardo Lattanzi (NYU School of Medicine), 212-263-4860, riccardo.lattanzi
at nyumc.org , http://www.med.nyu.edu/biosketch/lattar01
Yu-Shin Ding (NYU School of Medicine), 212-263-6605, Yu-Shin.Ding
at nyumc.org http://chemistry.fas.nyu.edu/object/yu-shinding.html
Course Schedule: Mon. 10:20AM-12:50
Lecture Location:
Poly: Roger Hall RH203, 6 Metrotech
Center, Brooklyn, NY 11201
SOM: Center for
Biomedical Imaging, 660 First Avenue (corner with 38th Street), New York, NY
Office Hour: Yao Wang: Monday 1-3PM, Wed. 10-12 AM or appointment by email. For other instructors: appointment through email.
Text Book: J. L. Prince and J. M. Links, Medical
imaging: signals and systems, Prentice Hall, 2006. ISBN 0-13-065353-5. Link to book site; Errata
Homework policy: Homeworks
will be assigned weekly and due the following week. Late submissions are not
accepted. Exams will be primarily based
on homework problems. Some assignments may include MATLAB or C programming of
image reconstruction algorithms.
Policy: Exam 1: 40 %, Exam 2: 40%, Homework Assignments: 20%
(programming 10%, others 10%)
Tentative Course Schedule
· Week 1 (1/27) (Poly): Yao Wang,
Overview of various medical imaging modalities (Chap 1); Review of signals and systems
basic concepts (chap 2);
Image quality metrics (Chap 3);
Lecture Note (updated 2/5/2013)
· Week 2 (2/3) Poly): Yao Wang, Physics of radiography (Chap 4); Lecture note (updated 3/4/2013).
· Week 3 (2/10) Poly): Yao Wang,
Projection radiography (conventional X-ray) (Chap 5); Lecture note (updated 2/7/2012)
· 2/17: No class, Presidents’ Day.
School closed.
· Week 4 (2/24) (Poly): Yao Wang,
X-ray computed tomography (CT): Instrumentation; Image reconstruction (Radon
transform, back projection, filtered back-projection); Image quality (Chap 6) Part I Lecture note;
· Week 5 (3/3) (Poly): continue the
previous topic, Part II Lecture note.
· Week 6 (3/10) (Poly), Yao Wang,
Nuclear medicine: physics (chap7), SPECT
and PET (Chap 9); Lecture note (updated 10/13/11)
· Week of 3/17: Spring break, no class
· Week 7 (3/24): Midterm Exam, to be held at NYU Poly
· Week 8 (3/31) (SOM): Riccardo
Lattanzi, Physics of magnetic resonance (chap 12): Magnetization, Precession
and Larmor frequency, RF excitation, Relaxation. Lecture note. Files
containing video shown in class. (caution:
35MB) Lecture
note by Yao Wang (uploaded 3/25/2013)
9 (4/7) (SOM): Riccardo Lattanzi, Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Instrumentation, Data acquisition, Image
reconstruction, Image quality. Lecture note. video of RF
excitation animation. Lecture notes by Yao Wang: part 1, part 2 (uploaded 3/25/2013)
10 (4/14) (SOM): Riccardo Lattanzi, Advanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging:
Diffusion MRI, Functional MRI. Lecture note. (updated 2/28/2013). A review
article on Diffusion weighted imaging for MRI (recommended reading,
uploaded 2/28/13). Lecture note on fMRI by Yao Wang
(uploaded 3/25/2013)
· Week 11 (4/21) (SOM): Yu-Shin Ding, Joint
12 (4/28) (SOM): Daniel Turnbull, Physics of
ultrasound (Chap 10): Wave equation, Acoustic waves, Wave propagation, Beam
pattern formation and focusing. Lecture
note. (updated 5/2/13)
· Week 13 (5/5) (SOM): Daniel
Turnbull, Ultrasound imaging (chap 11): Instrumentation (transducers, probes,
etc.), Pulse-echo equation, Ultrasound imaging principles. Lecture note. (updated
Week 14 (5/12) Final Exam (3-5:50), to be held at NYU
15 (5/19 or 5/23) (SOM): Tour of the NYU Center for Biomedical Imaging: Tour of the RF Lab and explanation of RF
coils components, Tour of the MRI facilities (including a 7T whole body
scanner), Practical session at the MRI console
Sample exams
· Sample midterm exam (F06), Sample midterm exam (F08), solution to F08 midterm, Sample final exam, Final exam F08, Solution to F08 final exam, Final Exam F09, solution to F09 final exam. F11 Midterm exam, solution, S12 midterm
exam, solution, S12 final exam problem and solution
Last updated: 1/20/2014, Yao Wang