Animated gif produced by matlab and ImageMagik


The above image has been  produced by
  1. matlab
  2. convert  from ImageMagick
  3. djpeg
  4. gifmerge
The   matlab   script follows below  (and  here is the file itself  - ngif.m )

djpeg: see documentation e.g.

%% ngif.m
%% Loop For making pictures 

% A function of two variables, described in Matlab help.
% The output is 20x20 matrix of Z values

% Output filename (a frame number will be appended in the loop)

nam=input('enter the name of the new fileset : ','s');

% Total number of frames
nfram=input('enter the number of frames : ');

fprintf(1,'\nAdjust the figure size and place it visibly on screen !!\n ');
fprintf(1,'Place the mouse over the figure window and hit RETURN\n ');
  mesh(fff);                   % Test figure shown for adjustment
  set(gcf,'menubar','none')    % Remove menubar
  set(gcf,'color',[1 1 1])     % Make frame white 
  set(gcf,'numbertitle','off') % No figure number
  set(gcf,'name','MATANIM')    % Identify the window by a unique name
  set (gcf,'colormap',[0 0 0; 0 0 0]) %  all drawing BLACK

% The main loop
for kfram=1:nfram

% Viewing angle

% Plot the 3D mesh 

% Change the viewing angle
   view( alf ,30);

% Flush pending graphics events

% Create xwd file with current picture. Filenames all start with 
% the string specified in variable nam. Then the frame number is appended
% followed by '.xwd' extension. Note that frame numbers must have the
% same number of charecters for proper sorting of filenames. This is 
% achived by adding 100 to the frame number.
% This routine is using the X-window dump function xwd

  eval( [ '! xwd -name "MATANIM " -out ' nam num2str(100+kfram) '.xwd' ] )

% Convert XWD file into JPEG file with the same filename but different
% extension ('.jpeg').

   eval( [ '! convert  -monochrome ' nam num2str(100+kfram) '.xwd  ' ...
         nam num2str(100+kfram) '.jpeg' ] ) 
   eval( ' ! rm -f *.xwd ');
% Convert JPEG into grayscaled GIF.

   eval( [ '! djpeg -colors 2  -grayscale -gif ' ... 
    nam num2str(100+kfram) '.jpeg  > ' nam num2str(100+kfram) '.gif' ] ) 

% The end of main loop

% Merge all GIF files into an animation GIF file.

eval( [ '! Gifmerge -5 -l0  ' nam '*.gif  '  ' > anim' nam '.gif' ] )  

% Remove all temporary files.

eval( [   '! rm -f ' nam '*.jpeg ' nam '*.eps ' nam '*.gif ' ]  )