Exercises: Self-consistent Field

  1. Study the files, using the Table of Contents You will finds some useful information about the atoms etc.
  2. Use the ready made input files for some of the atoms and compare the results with the tabulated experimental values Binding Energies of electrons in Atoms
  3. Study the provided plots (About the Calculations) provided plots of the wavefunctions and potentials.
  4. Use the plotting program gnuplot or the script gnuplot_tool to produce your figures. Export the pictures (more details coming).
  5. Prepare a report of your exercise. Instructions will be provided soon!!

  • Theory
  • About the Calculations
  • New tool for plotting
  • Table of Contents
    Not yet final version; Under construction.
    Updated last: Nov.10 th, 95; Improved instructions
    This exercise in Self-consistent field computation will show you the simplest use of the simplest Self-consistent field codes for Atoms, the Herman-Skillman code.

    Input files

    Visit the Stockholm Course for gnuplot instructions