% Latex and *.eps files
%Preparing notes and reports, using latex.
% If you know latex, just see below how to use eps files
%If not:
%1. save this file as examp.tex (save as html !! but )
%2. prepare by gtool a figure called Drawing.eps
%3. type in a window
% report examp
% if you have not done something wrong,
% you will get a postscript previewer
% with your report
% The examp.tex you can modify for your needs !
%Import of *.eps files
\topmargin -.85in
\oddsidemargin -.05in
\textheight 9.2in
\textwidth 6.5in
\parskip 5pt
\parindent 0pt
% This is a field where you enter text.
% Every % makes rest of the line a comment
\centerline{\bf FYS-287 REPORT on Hartree}
\vskip 3mm
\centerline{\bf My Name}
\centerline{ \today }
This is my report. Follows the figure.
% The following lines are for a whole figure with caption etc.
\epsfysize=5.2 cm
\caption{Appears as Fig. Caption under the Drawing}
% Drawing.eps is the name of the gnuplot picture
% Repeat this block for every picture
and here follows the text and changed size figure
\epsfysize=2.8 cm
\caption{Appears as Fig. Caption under the Drawing}
% Drawing.eps is the name of the gnuplot picture
This was my report.