Special Commands for this Course

comms    lists a short version of this list

newdir   new directory    
         example:   newdir myname myTask
         This creates a new directory with a name
         Enters this directory and opens a window to work in.
         It also opens a diary editor (nedit)
         PROBLEMS:   remember to give always the names

odir     the same as newdir, in 1995 form, using xedit 

ndir     the same as newdir, but no diary! 
         Useful to avoid lots of nedit versions    
kurs     documentation, netscape
okurs    (old version, using the old mosaic)

xed      editor    
         example:   xed filename
ned      Better editor 
         example:   xed filename
neww     new window, special characters, size
newd     new window, standard

newgnu   new window    
         with running gnuplot
         why: it disappears when you stop gnuplot

demorep  This command performs automatically
         the whole Task 1. And brings to the screen
         a previewer with a "report". It takes
         some time (3 minutes), but can be useful.
         Everything is written to directory called repdemo.

get-value  copies to the present working directory 
           the file values (e.g. if you have destroyed it)

get-slow   copies to the present working directory
           the file values  for slow collisions
           (for the use  with runge and imprunge)
get-fast   copies to the present working directory
           the file values  for slow collisions
           (for the use  with runge and imprunge)
gbind    (course program)  Task 1
sjacob   (course program)  Task 2
runge    (course program)  Task 3
imprunge (course program)  Task 4
